Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lauryn Hill: Our Government Pimpin' Us?


A soul sister supreme with an angelic voice is Lauryn Hill. Ms. Hill is an accomplished musician, eight- time Grammy winner and a mother of 6 beautiful children. None of this has mattered in the federal government's case against Hill for tax evasion.

The government alleged that Hill failed to pay taxes on the $1,8 Million that four corporations that she owned, earned between 2005 and 2007. She pled quilty last June to the charges.  According to CBS, she had a court appearance today in Newark court.

It was reported by other media sources, that her sentencing would be postponed for two weeks.

Pause, Let's discuss how a pimp named the government works for a second

Our government is a pimp. In order to work on their turf, we have to pay a toll (taxes). The government makes sure that they take their money, off the top. If you don't run the government's money, they will cut yo ass! They will drag you through a trial, pimp slap and  garnish your wages, imprison you and still force you to repay every cent that you own them.


Lauryn failed to align with the topsy-tursy federal taxation system. She claimed that she went underground to protect her family and privacy. I believe her. I think that once any rational person starts to question the government systems that are in place, they are going to say, " wait a minute, that makes no sense."

Lauryn raged against the machine.I pray that she received a light sentence. This is a white collar crime and she is a mother.


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