Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Black Man DANGEROUS OR Falsely Accused

                The facts in the murder of 13 month old Antonio Santiago are unclear. 

Sherry West's Account of March 21, 2013,  the mother of Antonio Santiago, states that she walked her son in his stroller through their Brunswick, GA neighborhood. She states that she was approached by two African American teens, who tried to rob her at gunpoint. West gave a tearful recount of the incident for local and national media outlets, she stated: 

"He asked me for money and I said I didn't have it.When you have a baby, you spend all your money on babies. They're expensive. And he kept asking and I just said `I don't  have it.' And he said, `Do you want me to kill your baby?' And I said, `No, don't kill my baby!'" She claimed that the teen fired four shots into the ground then fired at her head, grazing her left ear before "The boy proceeded to go around to the stroller and he shot my baby in the face," she said. "And then he just shoved me when I started screaming and he ran down London Street with the little boy." 

I am against violence. I am deeply saddened at the loss of Antonio Santiago. He was a beautiful baby with sparkling eyes, he deserved to live! He deserved to go to pre-school, to graduate high school, drive a car, fall in love, become a father, become a grandfather and so much more. My heart is hurting for his loved ones, for his mother.


The history of Caucasians accusing “phantom” African American male perpetrators of heinous crimes, causes me to question the validity and truthfulness of  any and all accusations against African American males.


 Charles Stuart Murdered His Wife and Blamed Phantom African American Perpetrator

Charles Stuart claimed an African American male forced his way into his car, robbed him and his wife before shooting his pregnant wife Carol in the head. Charles suffered minor gunshot wounds to his stomach. Charles called 911 from his car phone and gave an Oscar worthy performance to a  Boston PD dispatcher. 

Charles gave tearful accounts of the incidents and of the African American suspect. Boston police swarmed Black neighborhoods with abusive and racist tactics. An African American suspect was arrested for the crime. It was later revealed Charles murdered his wife and shot himself. 

Smith was involved in a relationship with a man that did not want or accept her two sons. Susan Smith reported to police on October 25, 1994, she was carjacked by an African American man who drove away with her sons still in the car. She gave tearful accounts of the incident and made dramatic pleas on television  for the return of her children.

Nine days after a high profile investigation and heavy media coverage, she confessed to drowning her sons.

Nun Mary Turcotte told NYPD detectives that a 6’4, 250 pound Black man choked and sexual assaulted her in Brooklyn. She claims that he drug her through the streets and left her unconscious in a snowbank with her underwear down and her breast exposed.  NYPD issued a sketch of the phantom suspect and pleaded with the community to help catch the rapist.

Turcotte later admitted that she falsified a police report to cover up a sexual tryst with a bodega worker.

Tsui D'adamo, Wife of Bronx NYPD Precinct Commander Falsely Accused TWO Black Males of Assaulting Her after Founding out About Her Husband's Affair With a Fellow NYPD Officer

Tsui D’adamo, wife of NYPD Precinct Commander claimed TWO armed and masked Black men assaulted her outside of her home on Valentine’s Day. Police found inconsistencies in her story and in her level of brusing. Police concluded that Tsui’s bruises were self inflicted after she learned of her husband’s affair with a female NYPD officer. 

 Amanda Knox Falsely Accused African Man of Her Roommate's Murder, Central Park Five, 5 Black Youth Convicted and Later Exonerated For A Crime That They Never Committed,hundreds of Black men exonerated....the list of falsified statement and false convictions for African American males goes on and  on. 

Black men are often the scapegoat!  I am not saying that all Black men are innocent BUT all Black men are not criminals either! The pattern is the same over and same over again.

 American media criminalizes Black Males. Caucasians and non-African Americans watch racist and stereotypic programming then  internalizes and believe the stereotypes of African American males as violent, dangerous etc . A Black man is (falsely) accused and convicted in the media before his trials starts. The police interrogate, arrest, question and batter innocence Black men without probable cause, every DAMN day.  The Constitutional Rights of Black men and women are tread on all the time and nothing is done!

Even when, testimonies are revealed to be false, there is no closure for Black Men or Black America. They are convicted everyday in the streets, on the train, in the workplace, in the club because of the color of their skin. The election of a Biracial president has not stop systematic racism!

I know that two suspects were arrested in the slaying of Baby Santiago. I will not claim their GUILTY or INNOCENCE. I just hope they receive a fair trial. I hope that the accusations are true. I hope that the police arrested the right men since all brothers seem to fit the “description”.


I am hoping for justice for baby Santiago.

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