Friday, March 29, 2013

Wake Up Call: HIV/AIDS Infection Rates Are Skyrocketing Black Women

Black women, we are in a state of despair! HIV/AIDS infection rates for Black women have skyrocketed and are reaching levels similar to sub-Saharan Africa! Research has shown that Black women are heavily engaged in unprotected sex with high risk males.

My beautiful sisters, don't be afraid to say "no" to a man that refuses to wear a condom. You must know your wealth and protect yourself!Slavery has taught Black women that their bodies are property to be owned and used by men.  We have to unlearn negative feelings about our self worth and we have to unlearn that sex=love.If we love ourselves and know our worth, we will see positive changes in our lives! We will be no longer willing to risk our lives for the faux love that comes when a man shares our bed for a night! We will say, " I love myself too much to have unprotected sex."

 The first step to knowing your worth is loving yourself.  I recommend looking in the mirror and saying this   affirmation daily:

I am beautiful. I am worthy of love, respect and praise. My body is my own! I love my hair, my face, my smile, my ancestors and my life's journey! I am a queen! My health and life is important to me! I am strong, secure and fierce!

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